- [email protected]
- +354 561 3400
- Óðinsgata 9, 101 Reykjavik
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Algengar spurningar
Parking in Reykjavík can be a little confusing. It depends on where your apartment is located. Parking in Reykjavík is street parking and is paid from 9 am to 18 pm from Mondays to Saturdays. It is free on Sundays. The price depends on which zone the parking space is located. Usually, you can determine by looking for parking signs (a big P on a blue and white sign) on the corner of the streets. There are two methods of paying for parking. Parking meters are located on many street corners and often close to the parking signs. In the parking meters, you can pay either by card or cash. You can also download the app “Leggja” from your app store, it makes paying for parking much easier.
Óðinsgata 9
We advise people to park on the street besides Óðinsgata, the name of the street is Freyjugata and that street is in Zone 3 and therefore cheaper than the street in front of the apartment which is in Zone 2. If you seek free parking then you can park at Hallgrímskirkja the big church.
Skólavörðustígur 2
We advise people to park behind the apartment, near the Supermarket Super1. There are plenty of parking spaces there and a short walk to the apartment. Parking spaces near Skólavörðustígur will always be in Zone 1. For free parking, you can park at Hallgrímskirkja the big church.